Tuesday, January 10, 2012


diffusion : The spread of one area to a different group by contact.
ex : the perfume diffuses around the room.

facilitated diffusion : type of passive transport that allows things to pass the membrane with the help of transport proteins.
ex : sugar has to be able to cross the plasma membrane.

active transport : movement of a chemical substance from a lower center of concentration to a higher center of concentration due to its energy
Ex : coffee filters
endocytosis :the process in which the cell takes in materials from the outside and fusing them with its plasma membrane.
ex: monocytes can eat foreign substances such as bacteria

exocytosis : cellular process in which a  intracellular vesicles in he cytoplasm fuse with the plasma membrane
Ex : hormones from the endocrine glands

osmosis : the movement of water across a permeable membrane
ex : white blood cell


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